Clicks and Catches in Papete (Tembec Factory, Tartas)

Symbol of Tartas, economic body, industrial architecture, every morning we passed in front of by school bus, by car…
Everyone knows it, breathes it… Of day as night it changes the graphics of the sky.
And yet let us look we it without seeing it…
To develop the direction of the glance, the observation, curiosity belongs amongst other things to the teaching of the Visual arts.
Papete was the release of this Art project and Photography. It was a question of sensitizing the teenager with his immediate environment; he to allow to apprehend an industrial architecture as much in its form that in its function. To pose on this site a young, at the same time plastic, creative and considered glance.
This action allowed the meeting between three classes of 3rd of the College Jean Rostand de Tartas and a photographer - professional plastics technician: Jean HINCKER.
The objectives were double:
Initially: to propose an initiation with numeric photography: catches of sights on site + plastic final improvements using the Photoshop Software in the course of Visual arts.
In the second time: to support a meeting with the Contemporary Photographic works lent to the establishment by the Aquitanian FRAC…
In November, vêtus of fluorescent chasubles, helmets and glasses, the 78 pupils left to the attack this monster to “totemic smoke”.
Before mitrailler the site with numerical, the pupils received information on the operation of the factory as well as an education of the glance by the analysis of works of large photographers.
“Clicks and Catches on Papete” then started.
The glance of the pupils, their capacities of invention, their adaptabilities to the software of final improvements of images knew to model this beautiful artistic project and to deliver this exposure of quality to us.
The teenagers knew to reveal Papete, to affirm their point of view, to surprise us by their vision and to fully integrate the matter of Diane ARBUS “I really believe that there are things that nobody would see whether I had not photographed them. ”

Teaching of Visual arts - College of Tartas


TEMBEC proposed to us to take photographs and that they was cool!
Julien Bidalle

Papete lent clothing to us and that made Village Poeple!
Romain Dupouy

In class, it was funny, the photographer was super I find, it helped us for the result of the project.
Eric Viannenc

I find that was an enriching experiment: we met a professional photograph, we visited the factory Tembec S. has and I liked the places which we visited and taken in photograph.
Mathieu Goods.

I have find interesting to work with a photographer and to use a software of final improvement because before I could not be useful to me about it. Best was the visit of the factory.
Pierre Bareyt

It was well to work with another thing that paper, even if it were a little the galère at the beginning…
Aure Coudreau and Sandra Bonillo

I too much did not like to make the final improvements with the ordi, but to take the photographs with the factory, it was too owl!
Justine Avit Saint

The Plastiques stars are of exit in Papete! It's a pity that there was bad weather… the final improvement was a little complicated at the beginning, but one was quickly accustomed. It was an interesting project.
Marie Licart and Laëtitia Duprat

The meeting with a professional photograph was interesting: one learned how to give again color, life with the images.
The behavior of visit in Papete was very “fashion”… With this yellow fluo, one could not miss us. We liked this experiment much.
Marianne Sarrade and Marion Morlaes.

There was much noise in Papete. The glasses which one had made us of the eyes of fly!
One had fun to make the fantastic assembly with Photoshop: one learned how to make full with final improvements on the Photographs.
Camille Labarthe and Floriane Mamique.

The manipulations with the ordi were cool: now, one can fake the photographs!
Melanie Aubry

It is a very original project, since I do not see more Papete of the same manner.
Marianne Mallet

There was much noise in the factory and that did not feel good! There were behaviors very flash, and there were so much things to see that one took many photographs much… I hope that our work will be retained for the expo!
Marina Lesparre and Sarah Tastet

The meeting of final improvement was hard at the beginning, but after it was brilliant!
Guillaume Donkey and Aurélie Castets

This project was well because one did not need to make drawings or to use matter, it was much easier with the ordi!
Benjamin Loosli

The photographs gave a new aspect to the factory: all changed…
To give again a new nature with the photograph thanks to the computer was very interesting. The discovery of the software enabled me to make many assemblies apart from the courses…
Amaury Martin

We gave each other all thoroughly and invests in this project because it rained with all the classes.
Even if the bad weather did not make it possible to take good photographs, each one had the eye of the photographer to find stereotypes interesting.
I liked every moment of this experiment which enabled me to discover and to use another artistic technique.
Rollin Baptist

The discovery of the software was difficult at the beginning but the final improvement of the photographs is enthralling and amusing! the presence of the photographer was very instructive.
Julie Dougé

When one arrived at Papete one equipped us with behaviors with safety. At each place where one went, one felt a different odor.
The final improvements in class were well, one learned how to make use of the software and the presence of the photographer was very instructive.
Tiffany Monmoulineix

I did not expect such an amount of action!
I felt tiny in front of the machines.
With the photograph, one can express what one does not express with words.
Lea Lesfauries

The fact of going to visit Papete, it was well, because even if it is seen the every day we had not had the chance until now to visit it.
One realized that the factory could have several aspects, and according to the catch of sight it had a different aspect according to each one.
Adeline Napias.

The Art project and Photography were for me an exceptional experiment, because we could discover the factory Tembec de Tartas. People explained us the operation of the factory.
Then we learned has to modify the photographs with the Photoshop software.
Yassin Hubert

With our yellow behavior, the glasses and all these noises, one believed oneself on the turning of a film!
There were too many things to photograph, but time was counted, damage!
The final improvements it was another pair of handles, but in any case the project was very sympathetic!
Mandy Moréno